Beginning  Feb 1, 2025. All competitions will be conducted via a new system hosted by Visual Pursuits. Entries will no longer be accepted by this website or member portal. To enter, members must have a CVDCC Visual Pursuits account. Instructions for creating a new account are given  here. Once an account has been created and accepted by CVDCC administration, members may submit images for competition. Here's how:

  1. Visit CVDCC Visual Pursuits website, at  Click Here 
  2. Log in with member login, password
  3. In the "Competitions" tab, select "Submit images into a competition"
  4. Follow instructions to submit photos

That's all there is to it.

NEW 2023!! To reduce confusion in understanding the competition rules for our 6 entry divisions, we have created a single document with a  summary of all the rules.

 To view that document,  Click Here


Also, to facilitate remembering them before submitting into competition, Jeanne Scott has created "Tips for Successful Competition Images", a checklist that is useful to follow before submitting images.


To view that checklist,  Click Here





Due to the lock-downs related to the Corona virus and the restrictions on public events and travel, the CVDCC Board has approved a change in our local competition rules for the 4 reality divisions. The previous requirement was that  images be taken within 18 months of submission. That requirement has now been completely removed, so images taken anytime may be submitted for club competitions. The reality divisions include Nature, Photojournalism General, Photojournalism Human Interest, and Travel.  As before, there is no time limit or restrictions for the Pictorial Color and Monochrome categories.


CVDCC Competitions

The Desert Camera Club normally holds Digital Competitions at several regular meetings during the Club year. There are competitions held in different categories selected from among Pictorial Color and Pictorial Monochrome and the "reality divisions": Nature General, Photo Travel, Photojournalism General, and Photojournalism Human Interest. Each category has its own definition (click here) that is rigorously followed by judges. Winning images are normally published in the Gallery section of this website. For more information, email


Competitions for all categories are held every "competition month" (see below). The upcoming schedule will be announced at least three months in advance, although may be subject to late changes for unavoidable reasons. 


Deadline for entry is the Sunday immediately preceding the meeting at midnight,  sharp. The competition normally opens for entry on the 1st of the competition month.


Our competition year runs across the calendar year.


Entering Competitions -  Guidelines

Competition requirements and details are available on the COMPETITION GUIDELINES page. Members are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the details to ensure the fullest and most rewarding participation.


Competition Schedule for Competition Year 2021

Feb 18  • Apr 15 • Jun 17 • Oct 21 • Dec 16

Year-End Competitions and Awards

All images that won an award (Honorable Mention or Excellence Award) during the competition year are entered into a special end of year competition. From among these images three judges select those images in each Division deserving of Gold, Silver, Bronze Awards or Honorable Mentions. The awards are presented at the annual CVDCC banquet. Click here for past awards.


Key Links

Brightness Calibration

Entrants into CVDCC competitions are encouraged to use the Brightness Control to adjust the brightness of their monitors. This will ensure that the brightness of the images when projected in competition will more closely approximate of what the entrant sees on their own monitor. This will NOT, however, affect color compatibility: entrants are still encouraged to color calibrate their monitors.


Click here to download the Brightness Control and here to download Instructions.